Want to increase weapon damage? Build a forge and work metals. Research trees are tiered and broken down into a series of elements that actually makes sense, with the results of the research having an impact on the game almost immediately. The look of each race is different, which extends down to their buildings. For example, the Ardent Mages can achieve victory through scientific advancement while the Cultists win through supremacy and converting others to their path. Each of the factions plays differently, highlighted through separate victory conditions. The vibrant, 3-D map feels alive with imaginative buildings, races, and lush elements that look very good. Resources are animated and the map is dotted with items of wonder ready to be explored and exploited. But where it really shines is in the customization options and graphics. Fortunately, the tutorial does a nice job of introducing the fundamentals, which is particularly useful to newcomers or younger players. Endless Legend incorporates many traditional elements of 4X titles, which can seem daunting to someone with little experience of these tactical games. This game takes the turn-based strategy genre and breathes fresh life into it.